- Middle School
- Primary School
Next Generation’s Primary and Middle School adapted quickly to the sudden announcement of school closures in March and continues to exercise that adaptability when it comes to planning the 2020-2021 school year.
With great care for the students, their families, and the staff, the Primary and Middle School will be able to accommodate in-person learning full time for any enrolled students while the East Central Region remains in Phases 3 or 4 of the Restore Illinois Plan. Enrolled families will also have the option to remain in remote learning until Phase 5, or until they are comfortable making the shift to in-person learning.
Following the guidance of IDPH, ISBE, and CUPHD, NGS administrators and teachers cultivated a new school plan that will adhere to health and safety guidelines that protect students, staff, and families. By utilizing the structure of the campus, the number of available classrooms, and the co-teaching system, class sizes will be reduced to guidance requirements and to promote social distancing in the classroom.
Since the beginning of the stay-at-home order, NGS has continued to provide essential, engaging, and nurturing care for children whose families were called to the front-lines to flatten the curve. Then, as the community progressed their efforts and transmission lowered enough for the region to begin reopening, NGS was able to increase care offerings while continuing to implement new safety and hygiene measures.
The 2020-2021 School Year Guide explains how these health and safety measures will be carried out during the school year, in addition to the basic differences between in-person and remote learning, followed by a second volume that goes into further detail.
For more information, you can find the guide here.